G ☆ U ☆ W ☆ I VN Beauty Queen Coronation Vietnamese Beauty Queen Coronation Application

Vietnamese Beauty Queen Coronation Application

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Đơn ghi danh của tổ chức MISS VIETNAM ORGANIZATION, quý vị có thắc mắc xin email cho chúng tôi tại info@guwi.us, hay email info@missvn.org; info@miss-vietnam.org; and info@msaodai.org

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* Indicates required question

Application for (Đơn tham dự cho):                                           *** HH = Hoa Hậu; VN = Việt Nam*

Miss Vietnam – Hoa Hậu Việt Nam

Mrs. Vietnam – Hoa Hậu Phu Nhân Việt Nam – HH Quý Bà VN

Ms. Vietnam – Hoa Hậu Phụ Nữ Việt Nam – HH Quý Phụ Nữ VN

Mr. Vietnam – Nam Hoàng Việt Nam – Nam Vương Việt Nam

Miss Vietnam Teen – Hoa Hậu Thiếu Nữ Việt Nam

Mister Vietnam – Thiếu Niên Việt Nam

Talents (Singer, Model, Dancer, Artist, Composer, etc…) – Tài Năng, Ca Sĩ, Người Mẫu, Nghệ Sĩ

Áo Dài (Show, Contest, Magazine, Pageant Competition, etc..)

Fashion Show – Trình diễn thời trang

Other: ____________________

First Name(Tên), Last Name(Họ), Middle Name*

Your answer:______________________

Date of birth (Ngày Sinh) mm/dd/yyy (ngay/tháng/năm)*


Age (Tuổi)*

Your answer:______________________

Gender (Giới tính)*

Male – Nam

Female – Nữ

Contact Information (Thông tin liên lạc)

Mailing Address (Địa chỉ):

Street (Tên Đường)*

Your answer:______________________

City (Thành Phố)*

Your answer:______________________

State (Tiểu Bang)*

Your answer:______________________

Zip code (Số Bưu Chính)*

Your answer:______________________

Day / Home Phone (Số điện thoại bàn/nhà)*

Your answer:______________________

Cell / Mobil Phone (Số điện thoại di dộng)*

Your answer:______________________

Email (Điện Thơ)*

Your answer:______________________

Social Media, Website (Trang Nhà, Xã Hội)

Your answer:______________________

Physical Stats (Thể hình)

Height (Cao) /  Weight (Nặng)

Chiều cao và cân nặng (height and weight)*

Your answer:______________________

Experience(s) with Pageant and Show business (Kinh nghiệm HH và show biz)

Your answer:______________________

Pageant Title(s) (Giải HH)

Your answer:______________________

Modeling/Fashion/Show(s) (Người Mẫu Thời Trang)

Your answer:______________________

Acknowledgement (Thừa nhận)

I, the application have read and fully understand the nature of MISS VIETNAM® ORGANIZATION and its requirement(s), its rule(s) and regulation(s), can be found in our website if not provided. (Tôi, đã đọc và hiểu thể lệ của tổ chức HHVN, có trên nhà của chúng tôi nếu cần tham khảo)

Release of Media(s) Useage

In consideration of my engagement as a member/participant/performer/model, upon the terms herewith stated, I hereby give to MISS VIETNAM® , JOHN DO / LỘC ĐỖ and his heirs, legal representatives and assigns, those for whom MISS VIETNAM®, JOHN DO / LỘC ĐỖ is acting, and those acting with his/her authority and permission:
a) The unrestricted right and permission to copyright and use, re-use, sale, re-sale, publish, and republish video, voice, article/writing or photographic portraits or pictures I work for or taken for or given to or obtain from me for MISS VIETNAM® and/or JOHN DO / LỘC ĐỖ photo/video of me or in which I may be produced and/or included intact or in part, composite or distorted in character or form, without restriction as to changes or transformations in conjunction with my own or a fictitious name, or reproduction hereof in colour or otherwise, made through any and all media now or hereafter known for illustration, art, promotion, advertising, trade, or any other purpose whatsoever.
b) I hereby release, discharge and agree to save harmless MISS VIETNAM®, JOHN DO / LỘC ĐỖ his/her heirs, legal representatives or assigns, and all persons functioning under his/her permission or authority, or those for whom he/she is functioning, from any liability by virtue of any blurring, distortion, alteration, optical illusion, or use in composite form whether intentional or otherwise, that may occur or be produced in the taking of said picture or in any subsequent processing thereof, as well as any publication thereof, including without limitation any claims for libel or invasion of privacy.
c) I hereby affirm that I am over the age of majority and have the right to contract in my own name. I have read the above authorisation, release and agreement, prior to its execution; I fully understand the contents thereof. This agreement shall be binding upon me and my heirs, legal representatives and assigns.

Check if you agree (Đồng ý xin hãy check box)*

Click Here to Acknowledgement (Thừa nhận xin nhấn vào đây)

Signature (Ký Tên)

Your answer:______________________

Under 18 years of age please complete below (Dưới 18 tuổi xin ký bên dưới)

*** If you are under the age of 18 (eighteen) please have your guardian sign below. (Nếu dưới 18 tuổi, phụ huynh hay người trông nom phải ký bên dưới)

Guardian Signature (Người Bảo Hộ Ký Tên)

Your answer:______________________

Guardian Name/Contact Phone (Tên Người Bảo Hộ và Điện Thoại)

Your answer:______________________

[Email us or just click here for the Google App Form]

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